
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I Travel Light

I moved this weekend, along with everyone else in Boston. Fun times. I really enjoyed waiting that hour in line just to pick up my U-haul. Good thing I had a man-hunk on speed dial to help me move, because there is no way I could have done it myself. He was actually somewhat obsessed with the U-Haul and wanted to drive it across country. I guess I know who to call when I move to California. At least he didn't try to tell me that he was in Rhode Island like someone else I know. You know who you are.

The couple seems very happy and organized with their move. I really totally hate them. I bet they have annoying, unironic pet names for each other like Honey Bear and Smoofy Poo. He's totally saying "Oh, Honey Bear I'm so excited to be moving into our dreamhouse where we can have a perfect nuclear family and our children will be taken care of by hot nannies while you drink martinis out on the lanai." And she is responding "I know Smoofy Poo. I look forward to the bitter resentment that I will have for you while you go off to the that 'convention' in the Virgin Islands with your secretary. But don't feel too sorry for me my little Smoofy Poo, because I'll have the dream house and half your yearly earnings once we have our messy divorce. We truly do live the American Dream" *Sigh*

Captain Easy

Aternative Title: Lies and Deception Lead to Sailing Date with Rocket Scientist

So, yeah, pretty much what the alternate title says. Basically, I was hanging out with my train friend on Friday after the Rock Star got depressed and decided not to come out with us (his show didn't go off quite as expected). The Rock Star's show was done at around 12:30 and TF and I decided to try to find a bar in Allston without a cover or a line. No small feat, let me tell you. Due to the influx of students returning pretty much every bar had a line, except for the Wonder Bar. Picture this: a DJ was spinning and on the dance floor there was a circle of people watching three guys break dance while drinking incredibly strong drinks. It was like a live version of Dance 360. That is the essence of the Wonder Bar. A wonder it is indeed.

Where was I? Oh, yes. While at the Wonder Bar I began talking to the Rocket Scientist a.k.a. Captain Easy. After talking to him for a while I asked him where he was from.

Captain Easy: I'm from Wisconsin
Me: Me too!
CE: Really? No one's from Wisconsin.
Me: I know! Where in Wisconsin are you from.
CE: Uh... Madison.
Me: Me too!
CE: [Shocked look on his face]
Me: Where did you go to high school?
CE: Uh... Madison High.
Me: Um, there isn't a Madison High...
CE: I know, I'm, uh, actually from Rhode Island.
Me: Liar. [sassily walks away]

So one would think after being called out as a total liar that would be the end of Captain Easy. As it turns out my Train Friend gave her number to Captain Easy's companion and a half an hour later she got this text message:

Sunday Girl, my friend is very sorry he lied to you. He is jet lagged and would like to take you sailing tomorrow.

My reaction: Heck yeah I'll go sailing!

So, I got up very early on Saturday to go on a sailing date with a rocket scientist. I figured I already knew he was a liar, so I got that out of the way ahead of time. I know you are wondering if he is actually a rocket scientist and yes, he is. No one can talk about jet propulsion and velocity with that much passion unless they are actually somewhat interested in it. To me is just sounded like "Hee bee gee bee hee bee gee bee." Plus, he told me that his "profession" when he goes to bars is Bee Keeper. He's a nice kid who thinks he is boring and makes up stuff when he goes out, such a shame really.

So where does the Captain Easy nickname come from? Well, when I get bored I can get a little, um, creatively mean. There was boat I spotted out in the harbor named, what else, Captain Easy. I thought this would be a good nickname for the rocket scientist and told him that was what I was going to call him. He had not spotted the boat and asked me what it meant. My response? "It means you're a slut." Needless to say there probably won't be a second date. Sailing was fun though.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Couple of Pictures form the Regata Gala

A lovely picture of Gloucester harbor, complete with Swan. A fun fact about swans: apparently the swans in the Public Garden have been together for years, but for some reason aren't able to hatch any eggs. Why? Because they are both females. That's right the swans in the Public Garden share a love that dare not speaks its name.

When did I get so pale? Have I become a goth and not know it? Do I worship vampires now? I mean, I like Buffy and Angel as much as the next person, but this is getting kind of ridiculous. Man, I need to spend some more time outside and to lay off the SPF 400.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I'm a big, huge, fat wimp. Most of you who know me personally know how passive-aggressive I am and how I avoid most awkward situations. Well, today I totally avoided a primo chance to talk to the PMG. You see I was out running some errands for the office (read buying cookies for everyone) when I see the PMG a few feet in front of me. Now, a normal person might quicken their pace, catch up to him, and offer him a cookie. My smooth method of seduction: staying back far enough so he doesn't notice, but, in a stalkerish move, I can still see what his is doing. He pretty much got into his truck and drove away, but for a while he was stopped at the same stop light that I had to cross. I had to concentrate really hard not to look in his truck. Oh, the drama.

Now, why didn't I talk to the PMG? I'm not really sure if I want to take my relationship with the PMG to the next of say knowing each other's names. That's just way to much pressure, because I'll have to talk to him every time I see him on the street and that's way too much commitment for me right now. It could also be because, and I might have mentioned this before, I'm a big, huge, fat wimp. There should be a neon sigh above my head that says WIMP with an arrow pointing to me. Look up BRAVE in the dictionary, you won't find a picture of me there. *Sigh*

***Update*** I was just looking for the post I made about the PMG (Priority Mail Guy) and it turns out I never posted it. Oops. The story is he delivers packages to my office and we make eyes at each other and I often get accused of flirting with him.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

It's About Time

I know I did my part for the cause

Wedding Madness!

The Bride and Groom on their big day

So the wedding was fabulous and filled will all sorts of debauchery, scandal, and general insanity. The bride looked gorgeous in her gown and the groom cried tears of joy. Awww... Seriously, one of my favorite couples. Ever.

I couldn't really think of a good way to handle all of the details of the weekend, so I decided to go with time honored method of using a highlights list. Enjoy!

1. The inclusion of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler on the wedding favor CD, chosen by the best man.

2. The 13 year-old usher passing out during the ceremony.

3. Not a highlight, but I missed the cake! I was outside talking to people and I missed it! Still a little miffed about that one. Everyone knows I love cake, couldn't they have saved me a piece. What kind of friends do I have if they can't even save me a piece of cake. It had raspberry filling. I missed raspberry filling! I guess I'll just have to visit the bride and groom on their one year anniversary and partake in the cake eating tradition.

4. My date obsessing over what to wear, calling me several times to ask me what color my dress was, and then finally going out to buy a shirt and tie to match my dress. I just told him to wear a sport coat in case I got cold, a direction which he totally ignored.

5. Seeing pretty much everyone I ever hung out with in college and then partying like it was 1999.

6. Being called Shellerson again. It's been a while since I heard that one. And if you don't already call me Shellerson, no you may not call me that.

7. The power hour before dinner while the drinks were still free.

8. Ending up at the rowdy table. Where the hell else would I sit?

9. Watching Sleepyaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers starring Pamela Springsteen (sister of Bruce) after the wedding.

10. Getting an email from date saying the end of the night was fuzzy. Success!

Monday, August 22, 2005

I am much too tired to be funny and write about the wedding just now. I will say this though, it was a lot of fun.

I got in last night after a looong plane ride. United planes smell like old man. Or perhaps old men just smell like United planes. In any case on my flight to Chicago I had an annoying kid sitting behind me who kept kicking my seat and singing that Mahna Mahna song from the muppets. Since the flight was short I just let is go. On my flight back to Boston the first thing I heard was "Mahna, mahna..." Thank god for head phones. I don't want to be one of those people who hates kids, but I kind of am sometimes. I totally side with the singles, seniors, childless couples, and teens, and gays from the Simpson's episode "Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teens, and Gays."

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Congrats Lindsay and Nate!

I'm going back to Wisconsin this weekend for a wedding. I'll give you a full report on Monday of the debauchery. Hopefully, I won't come back with scars this time...

I saw Marty filming The Departed. Again. Man if I had a nickel for every time I run into them filming that movie, I'd have 10 cents. No one famous this time, just an establishing shot with extras. Although I did spot the Overly Pretty Taxi Cab Boy getting his groove on as an extra. Sweet!

Wait, what's that you say? I never told you about the Overly Pretty Taxi Cab Boy? Basic story: I was heading home with BIM (Train Friend) a couple weeks ago, when this dude in the next cab over from us hoped out of his cab and into ours. He said "Where are we going?" Very strange. Even stranger was that he looked like he could have stepped off a Soap Opera set. I wouldn't have been surprised if his name was Blake Stone, but it was Jason. Jason Stone? Sadly not. Since he was overly pretty he didn't have much of a personality. Once we got to our destination he was forced to walk home since he had spent all his money on his original cab. Ha! My work friend Scottie Poo pointed out that he just wanted to sleep with us. Um, duh.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Just Have to Get This Out Of My System

I never thought I would say this, but I miss Landon. Yes, that's right. I miss Landon from the Real World: Philadelphia. Landon, who I spent a good portion of last fall making fun of and lamenting how he is the most annoying person to come out of the Real World/Road Rules family since Veronica. Did I mention the awful accent? AWFUL!

Landon and his sexy mugshot.

Well, it seems that Bunium/Murray has outdone themselves this time in the form of Wes from Real World: Austin. Watching last nights episode was basically an exercise in keeping down one's dinner (a fine dinner of bread, brie, and sunflower seeds, thank you very much). If you didn't catch it you can read a short recap here. The episode centered on annoying, unattractive Wes merlot-ing about how Johanna was playing games with him. She's not playing games Wes, SHE JUST DOESN'T LIKE YOU! How many times can I say this how many caps can I use. SHE CAN DO BETTER AND DOES! SHE IS WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE! YOU ARE LAME! Whew, moving on.

My favorite part of last night's episode was when Wes was describing his latest sexcapade to one of his friend's back home. "The hottest girl in the bar came up and start hitting on me. Ten minutes later we were making out. Twenty minutes later we left the bar and went back to my house to have sex." Yes, that's right the hottest girl hit on Wes. LAME! LA LA LA LA LA LAME! And can we touch on the fact that he has no charisma what-so-ever. Who was the casting director who let Wes slip through? They should be fired. They should never, ever work in this town again. They should be tortured for forcing the likes of Wes on poor, unsuspecting Americans. Arghhhh!

Last Night's Real World Round Up
Number of:
-Times Wes said "She's playing games": 13
-Camera starved girls that lower themselves to sleep with Wes: 1
-Times I respected Johanna for her taste: 1 (Dude, Leo is pretty hot)
-Times I threw up in my mouth a little: 10
-Lacey totally spying on her roommates moments: 1
-Statements made about how Wes really isn't all that attractive by other cast members: 3
-Hullucinations I had that maybe the death episode wasn't so depressing after all: 6
-Times I wished I had that I had better taste in television: 15

Current Musical Obsession

Frank Smith

One Track Mind

The Rock Star was telling me a story last night about how he has had horrible luck with his car recently. In the past couple of months his has been broken into several times and he has had his radio, a fax machine, and even his mothers cookies stolen. Tough break. This week he even had his window smashed in. His insurance was able to cover it and get it fixed, but when he came home from work the same day there was a homeless guy hanging out in his car. Nothing stolen this time.

My reaction to this story? "They stole your mom's cookies! Now, that's low."

New Comments!

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

As you can see I have updated my blog. Sorry, it deleted all previous comments. So, thank you for the tip Tequila Red and thank you for the compliment Cindy Lou! Take that spamming bitches!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

It looks just as stupid when you do it

Does anyone remember those posters they had up in health rooms and guidance offices in Junior High that had a whole bunch of pictures of animals smoking with the caption "It looks just as stupid when you do it." Well, I always thought that poster was pretty funny, because it is stupid when animals smoke. Silly animals, can't you read the surgeon generals warning. Silly animals. I have an odd (read lame) sense of humor. I have no shame. I still think animals ingesting illicit substances is pretty funny. That is why I have scoured the internet to bring you pictures of various animals drinking beers. If I could find pictures of animals snorting coke or shooting up heroine, I would probably think those were funny too.*

A puppy getting it's first sip from a stolen beer in it's best friends basement. Ten minutes after this photo was taken this puppy sniffed the bottom of that dorky puppy from it's obedience class in an ill advised game of spin the bottle. Seriously, who invited the dorky puppy?

This kitty looks like Red's cat Gary and Rusty's cat Max. They take after their parents. Awww...

Ok, so I'm cheating a bit on this one, but it's a Sex and the City kitty. Just call her Kitty Bradshaw.

Goats always know how to party.

Buzz says you get drunk faster when you drink through a straw.

I didn't think I would be able to it, but I found a picture of a monkey drinking beer. Yesss!

*Disclaimer: Sunday Girl does condone animals smoking, drinking beer, shooting heroin, snorting coke, or smoking crack (humans, however, are a completely different story). All animals used in this post were of legal age, drank in moderation, and did not operate any heavy machinery. If you suspect your pet of having either a drinking or drug problem please contact your veterinarian the learn of the local animal rehab center nearest you.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Ok, I have a confession to make, I have been slow posting all day because I know that nothing I write in this post can ever compare to "The best blog post title EVER!" Really, my life's goal has now been accomplished. I can die happy. I did a little a dance.

In other news:

I spent too much time this weekend saying the following phrase "I really shouldn't be out because I have to blank in the morning."

I was called a light weight for falling asleep in the car on the way back from the north shore after my boating adventure.

I wrote a song for my friend using every word that rhymes with boat. My favorite line is "His best friend is a goat. This is a direct quote." Genius I tell you! Pure genius!

I earned tons of karma by helping my friend move in 97 degree heat and hauling ass out to Southie to take care of my friend's cats.

I lost half of the karma I earned by ruining one of my friend's pots be trying to make popcorn in it. Trying is the operative word.

That's all I got kids.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hold Me Closer Tony Danza!

I got to swing dance with Tony Danza! Yes, that right the star of Who's the Boss and She's Out of Control was hanging out in a bar in Boston last night. He did cheesy magic tricks, sang dirty drinking songs, and hit on my Train Friend (a.k.a. Bad Influence on Me).

And by "Tony Danza" I mean a headhunter from Cleveland who just happens to look exactly like Tony Danza.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Adventures on the High Seas

I'm going boating tomorrow with some people from work. Should be fun, but I'm having a hard time deciding what nautical themed outfit to wear. What do you guys think?

Option 1:
On the good ship lollipop...

Option 2:
To satisfy the anime nerd inside us all:

Option 3:
I think the boots will be really functional on the boat, don't you?

Option 4:
Too much?

Option 5:
Imagine how hot I will look with this on under my bikini. Rowr!

Option 6:
... And finally, the outfit I'm really pulling for:

Man I'm going to be so fierce!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cadillac Woman

Nostalgia knocked me on my ass today like a well placed BB in the leg of a papparazzo, when I spotted a vintage Cadillac in the parking lot next to work this afternoon. You see, back in the day, Sunday Girl used to drive around a 1978 Fleetwood Cadillac complete with eight track, sun roof, and angel hood ornament. Yeah, I was the shit.

The size of the caddy was very useful for carting around all my friends, most of whom couldn't drive. It also means that I can now maneuver anything into any parking spot. After a few months of parking really far away from everything in order to avoid hitting anything, I finally gave up and learned how to park. It's a touching story, really. Girl gets over fear of huge vehicle and learns to park. I don't know about you, but I'm tearing up.

The eight track featured various musical selections including: the Grease Soundtrack, Rolling Stones Emotional Rescue, Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits, and A Night at Studio 54 (my personal favorite, it included the disco classic Push, Push in the Bush). You had to listen to eight tracks because the radio didn't work. At first it had the annoying habit of switching stations whenever you opened the door or rolled down the window, but then it just stopped working completely.

The sun roof was useful for "going convertible," which basically means rolling down all the windows and the sun roof and pretending like you are in a convertible. It was also useful for riding on the roof of the car. Not that... that ever happened... because... it didn't... um, yeah...

So, moral of the story: I miss my first car and I found myself salivating just a teeny tiny bit when I spotted the car in the parking lot. Looking back on that experience I know I could so win The 70s House.

A poor imitation of the real caddy.

Garlic is the new Freddy Kruger

I was napping the other day and had a dream that I was choking on garlic. I woke up to find that my roommate and her boyfriend were making garlic bread. This isn't your run of the mill garlic powder and olive oil garlic bread. This is use-up-every-clove-and-cover-every-available space-with-garlic garlic bread. Trust me, when they make garlic bread you don't want to talk to them for about a week. It was nightmare.

Sure it looks innocent now, but given the chance it will choke you and everyone you love.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Stecky called me on Saturday asking me if I had a good time the night before, because apparently she had the following message on her voicemail:

Stecky, This is Richie X from Boston Massachusetts. Apparently you're at the Minnesota Frickin' Twins game against the Boston Red Sox. I heard that you live in Minnesota and I'd like to give you some advice: Get the F#@* out of dodge.

[In background to Sunday Girl: What's your name? SG replies: Sunday Girl]

Sunday Girl says she doesn't like being so far away from you, she misses you, and wants you to come home. BOSTON RED SOX 2005!

SG: Hi Stecky, I'm sorry... Stecky? [In Background to R: Liar! R replies: No no no. It was an answer- an answering machine.]

So, yeah. My Friday was pretty random. No I do not know Richie and that is last time I mention that I know someone at a Twins/Red Sox game at a bar near Fenway. I would elaborate more on my night, but I really think the voicemail is a fair representation of it.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Hey who's that guy?

If you said Jeffrey Donovan of Touching Evil and The Pretenter fame, then you would be absolutely correct. I also watched him chew the scenery in Hamlet on the Common last night. Good times.

It's A Boy!

Yes, a brand new baby boy plant has been added to the Sunday Girl family. Everyone meet Arthur! Ok that's not actually a picture of the real Arthur, but it's pretty close (Artie's camera shy). I figured that since I have yet to kill my other plant Chewy, it seemed ok to get another one.

Camping Is Not a Vacation

I don't know if you all have been clued in to this fact or not, but I am not a camping person. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that camping is a very worthwhile and enjoyable activity. I might even enjoy camping, if there happened to be a large amount of liquor available, but I am not a camping person.

I only bring this up because there a large number of people I know who are, in fact, camping people. They love to go out into the woods with the bare minimum and commune with nature for days on end. They enjoy "roughing it." They have no problems with attaching their food to trees to keep away from bears or digging catholes. I am sure that at some point in their lives they have even hugged trees, literally.

However, none of those things are even remotely appealing to me. I'll take a four-star hotel and museums over camping any day. It's just who I am and I'm fine with it. I know that will probably never travel anywhere that doesn't have indoor plumbing readily available. Yes, I know that this restricts a lot of my travelling and I am probably depriving myself of some wonderful experiences, but somehow, I kind of don't care.

I don't even think camping really counts as a vacation. Think about it. You go out into the woods with everything in your house that you can carry, tent, mini-grill, pots, pans, utensils, etc. Set everything up in the woods like you have it at home. You clean, you cook, you get ready for bed and then you do nothing. I can do that at home and have all the conviences of home, because it is home. See camping isn't even really a vacation. A vacation is supposed to break up your routine.

So what have we learned today kids. I don't camp. I am fairly fascinated by camping acessories, but I will never use them. If you want a companion for St. Tropez, then I'm you're girl. If you want to go to some pristine, untouched piece of land in the Berkshires, don't bother asking.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I watched American Gigolo last night and it was la-la-lame! A waste I tell you! I'll never get those two hours back. I could have spent that time watching Laguna Beach. Fie on you Richard Gere!

Originally uploaded by Sunday Girl.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Where will I be in 10 years?

I have a feeling that I will be attending the S Club 7 reunion.

Best Thing I've Seen All Week

I was riding on the T on Saturday and across from me was sitting a young girl probably in her twenties. She looked completely normal wearing a summery skirt and a tank top. The only problem was she was chewing on a plastic knife. She was seriously gnawing on this thing and I was surprisd that it was still intact. I was a little confused by this and trying to figure out a) where she got the knife and b) why she choose to bring it on the train with her, when the chewing escalated. At first she began running the knife through her hair and over her eyebrows and then putting in back in her mouth. Then, and this really truly happened, she stuck it in her nose and then put it back in her mouth! I was trying so hard not to laugh/look horrified, but it was very difficult. I think I might have smirked and dropped my jaw at the same time letting out a short of Gwarkep noise. Really! Some people! And that my friends is why I always wash my hands after I get off the T.

Second place goes to the crazy guy I saw on Sunday when I was waiting for the T. The guy couldn't have been more that 35 and he was harrassing an older gentleman who was also waiting for the T. The crazy guy kept accusing the older man of never having fought in Vietnam. Saying that he fought for his country and didn't protest. Um, ok dude. Whatever you say. Although I'm pretty sure you were probably an infant during the Vietnam war. Luckily when the train came crazy didn't get on. Whew!