
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Camping Is Not a Vacation

I don't know if you all have been clued in to this fact or not, but I am not a camping person. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that camping is a very worthwhile and enjoyable activity. I might even enjoy camping, if there happened to be a large amount of liquor available, but I am not a camping person.

I only bring this up because there a large number of people I know who are, in fact, camping people. They love to go out into the woods with the bare minimum and commune with nature for days on end. They enjoy "roughing it." They have no problems with attaching their food to trees to keep away from bears or digging catholes. I am sure that at some point in their lives they have even hugged trees, literally.

However, none of those things are even remotely appealing to me. I'll take a four-star hotel and museums over camping any day. It's just who I am and I'm fine with it. I know that will probably never travel anywhere that doesn't have indoor plumbing readily available. Yes, I know that this restricts a lot of my travelling and I am probably depriving myself of some wonderful experiences, but somehow, I kind of don't care.

I don't even think camping really counts as a vacation. Think about it. You go out into the woods with everything in your house that you can carry, tent, mini-grill, pots, pans, utensils, etc. Set everything up in the woods like you have it at home. You clean, you cook, you get ready for bed and then you do nothing. I can do that at home and have all the conviences of home, because it is home. See camping isn't even really a vacation. A vacation is supposed to break up your routine.

So what have we learned today kids. I don't camp. I am fairly fascinated by camping acessories, but I will never use them. If you want a companion for St. Tropez, then I'm you're girl. If you want to go to some pristine, untouched piece of land in the Berkshires, don't bother asking.