
Friday, July 29, 2005

Or maybe the sculpture is of Rosemary?

Last night Amiee Mann and Tracy Bonham played a free concert in Copley Square, conveniently located next to a store called "Copley Flair." I went to see them play with my friend G and her husband. Mr. G told us a story about how his aunt hates Aimee Mann. Not hate like how you and I hate Lindsay Lohan, but hates as in "I know her personally and I hate her" kind of hate. Still with me? It seems that Mr. G's aunt did some work for Til Tuesday back in the 80s and she suspects that Aimee Man slept with her husband at the time. Oh, Aimee Mann.

This tale of Ms. Mann's past indiscretion did little to hamper our enjoyment of the evening. Both ladies played fairly well, but I was kind of mystified when Aimee Mann began explaining her new concept album, "It's about two people who fall in love and take a road trip together and then their love kinda implodes." I can dig that, but she continues, "It takes place in 1970 and the guy is a Vietnam Vet and a drug addict and the girl is a small town girl who wants to get the hell out of town." Alright... "Then they decide to start a monkey farm out in the desert, but the monkeys turn out to be aliens who eat their brains." I'm sorry, but you've completely lost me. Ok, maybe she didn't say that last bit, but you knew that's where it was going.

After that Mr. and Mrs. G and I headed over to the Institute of Contemporary Art to see an exhibit about emotions. It included, but what not limited to a video of a girl screaming, Nan Goldin photographs, a realistic sculpture of a woman who had just given birth complete with an evil looking baby, and a mirror. Yes, you read that right someone stuck a mirror on the wall. Let's go back to that evil baby for a second, because I have a good joke to go along with it. Are you ready? Man, that baby looks so evil, they should name it Damien! Ba dum ching!