
Thursday, July 14, 2005

A Day With The Girls and Their Significant Others

My sisters Stecky and Red can into town yesterday with their hubbys. I had fun herding them around the city taking them to such hot spots at H&M and the Post Office. We also walked the "Freedom Trail" and used our connections to climb to the top of the steeple at the Old South Meeting House.

Hot topics of conversation included: Which celebrities we resemble most; the best person to call if you are in a car accident or have any other type of car emergency (that would be the one sibling missing from the day, our brother); what the "Freedom Trail" is; pointing out anything thing that might be old timey (...And here we have America's oldest ball point pen...); reasons why our parents should get a dog; reasons why our parents shouldn't get a dog; and who will be the first to have kids (I'm putting all my money on Rusty).

Stecky doesn't really look like any celebrities. The only comparison she has ever gotten was Gwenyth Paltrow with the long brown hair from "Sliding Doors" and the "Band Camp Girl" from American Pie. I think she looks more like the former and not a bit like the latter.

Originally uploaded by Sunday Girl.

Red is a dead ringer for Molly Ringwald.

Originally uploaded by Sunday Girl.

Red's husband TQ most often gets compared to Charles Grodin of "The Charles Grodin Show" fame. You will often find TQ upset at something his St. Bernard named after an 19th Century composer has done.

Originally uploaded by Sunday Girl.

Mr. Collins, Stecky's old man used to have long hair in high school. We used to call him the long-haired-sensitive-man. He no longer has the long hair, but back in high school when everyone was trying to save "My So-Called Life" from cancellation, he was the Jordan Catalano to Stecky's Angela Chase, or something. It is rumored that his pick-up line was "You're so beautiful, it hurts to look at you."

Originally uploaded by Sunday Girl.