
Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm trying really, really hard not to write about how bored I am, because I know how interesting it is to read about someone else's boredom. Things are looking up though. Tonight I am going to the Miracle of Science in Cambridge. Should be filled with tons of smarties from MIT and as we all know exciting things always seem to happen whenever I venture into Cambridge.

Also, I went to see Wilco last Friday. It was fun, except that Jeff Tweedy totally hated the audience. I haven't seen that much audience hating since, well never. He yelled at us for getting beers during his sad, painful, I've had my heart broken songs, and then again for not singing along. There was no love from JT.

On a related note, I hated the guy and girl standing next me at the concert. Their crimes? Failure to keep out of my personal bubble, excessive drunkeness, and mistaking my dirty looks for looks of lust. Yes, that's right. When I looked over at them to give them a I-hate-you-because-you-have-two-feet-of-space-on-the-other-side-of-you-why-do-you-keep
-invading-my-personal-space-look, I heard the girl shout to the guy "That girl is totally checking you out!" Apparently she interpreted the flames of hatred shooting out of my eyes as flames of desire. This was then followed by an "accidentally" bump into me by the guy. Ew.

...And speaking of bad pick-up attempts, I was walking down the street the other day I was greeted with "Hello, I am from France and you are very beautiful." Needless to say, my reaction was "You're from France! Let's go make babies!" I love/hate encounters like these. I also hate to be objectified, but it was always nice to know that I still have it going on. Plus, I now know that the Frenchies love me.