
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

He's Just Not That Into You Because He's Dead

Or at least that's the way I like to look at things. Instead of thinking that he was not interested in the fabulousness that is Sunday Girl, he died and was not able to call. The best part of thinking of things in these terms is that you can come up with all sorts or horrible ways that he died. He might have, for instance, been eaten by mimes. Doesn't that bring up a great image. Imagine said hypothetical boy who is unable to use a phone being chased by a group of rabid mimes brandishing imaginary forks. Or perhaps he was attacked by monkeys drunk on power and beer. You don't want to mess with drunken power monkeys, trust me people.

See, it's not that he is not that into me. He's dead. It's so very tragic. I'm sure his dying words were, "But I have to call Sunday Girl..."