
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Return Of the Bearded One

This one goes in the I can't believe that I didn't mention this sooner category. I saw Beardy Beaderson again and once again my married friends tried to throw us together for their own selfish reasons.

Let me set it up for you. Date: June 24, 2005 Place: Agganis Arena Time: oh, about 7:30. I was supposed to meet my friends outside of the arena for the Wilco concert. I was running a little late due to well, me just plain running late. I finally saw my friends waiting patiently for me. With them was someone I didn't recognize. My first thought was, "How strange that K and S didn't tell me that they were bringing someone else." My second thought was, "Wait a minute..." Followed by my third thought, "Holy #@*&! Beardy Bearderson has shaved his beard!" I said hello to everyone, including Beardy Von Beardless, even though I still wasn't quite certain it was him.

Later that night K and S slipped away, I am presuming to give us some time alone. During said alone time, Beardy talked about his girlfriend. Apparently he still hasn't shaved everything off. The first thing K said to me when on the car ride home was, "So, Beardy shaved his beard." When I mentioned the girlfriend I was told "We think he's getting sick of her and besides we think he thinks you're cute." I'll keep you updated on this developing situation [this sentence originally read: I give you updates. Yes? You read and I give you updates.]