
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Just Have to Get This Out Of My System

I never thought I would say this, but I miss Landon. Yes, that's right. I miss Landon from the Real World: Philadelphia. Landon, who I spent a good portion of last fall making fun of and lamenting how he is the most annoying person to come out of the Real World/Road Rules family since Veronica. Did I mention the awful accent? AWFUL!

Landon and his sexy mugshot.

Well, it seems that Bunium/Murray has outdone themselves this time in the form of Wes from Real World: Austin. Watching last nights episode was basically an exercise in keeping down one's dinner (a fine dinner of bread, brie, and sunflower seeds, thank you very much). If you didn't catch it you can read a short recap here. The episode centered on annoying, unattractive Wes merlot-ing about how Johanna was playing games with him. She's not playing games Wes, SHE JUST DOESN'T LIKE YOU! How many times can I say this how many caps can I use. SHE CAN DO BETTER AND DOES! SHE IS WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE! YOU ARE LAME! Whew, moving on.

My favorite part of last night's episode was when Wes was describing his latest sexcapade to one of his friend's back home. "The hottest girl in the bar came up and start hitting on me. Ten minutes later we were making out. Twenty minutes later we left the bar and went back to my house to have sex." Yes, that's right the hottest girl hit on Wes. LAME! LA LA LA LA LA LAME! And can we touch on the fact that he has no charisma what-so-ever. Who was the casting director who let Wes slip through? They should be fired. They should never, ever work in this town again. They should be tortured for forcing the likes of Wes on poor, unsuspecting Americans. Arghhhh!

Last Night's Real World Round Up
Number of:
-Times Wes said "She's playing games": 13
-Camera starved girls that lower themselves to sleep with Wes: 1
-Times I respected Johanna for her taste: 1 (Dude, Leo is pretty hot)
-Times I threw up in my mouth a little: 10
-Lacey totally spying on her roommates moments: 1
-Statements made about how Wes really isn't all that attractive by other cast members: 3
-Hullucinations I had that maybe the death episode wasn't so depressing after all: 6
-Times I wished I had that I had better taste in television: 15