
Monday, August 15, 2005

Ok, I have a confession to make, I have been slow posting all day because I know that nothing I write in this post can ever compare to "The best blog post title EVER!" Really, my life's goal has now been accomplished. I can die happy. I did a little a dance.

In other news:

I spent too much time this weekend saying the following phrase "I really shouldn't be out because I have to blank in the morning."

I was called a light weight for falling asleep in the car on the way back from the north shore after my boating adventure.

I wrote a song for my friend using every word that rhymes with boat. My favorite line is "His best friend is a goat. This is a direct quote." Genius I tell you! Pure genius!

I earned tons of karma by helping my friend move in 97 degree heat and hauling ass out to Southie to take care of my friend's cats.

I lost half of the karma I earned by ruining one of my friend's pots be trying to make popcorn in it. Trying is the operative word.

That's all I got kids.