
Monday, October 31, 2005

Have a spooky, spooky Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday Tricks and Treats

I haven't really ended things with the Serb. Yet. Oh, I still want to, it's just he hasn't returned my call so I can tell him I don't want him to call me anymore. Easiest break-up ever. I hope. He'll probably call me next week and want to hang out. Typical. My real worry is that he's going to call me and leave a message. Does that mean I have to call him back? I feel like I should. Thoughts?

Tonight Beautiful Lis is coming into town so we can tear things up for Halloween. We'll be all over this town from Brighton to Somerville. The burbs had better watch out. There might also be some pumpkin carving plans in the works with her niece and nephew.

I also have an invitation from a co-worker's four year-old son to go trick-or-treating with him on Monday, but only if I dress up as a ninja.

Oh yeah, I'm going out for a pre-party, pre-picking* up Beautiful Lis at the bus station drink tonight with the Lighter Guy. I have butterflies! Hee!

*Just so you know I don't have a car and therefore am picking her up by T. I don't drink and drive sillies. That's just dumb.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Need Time To Realize My Crime

Do you every have those moments when your life as an adult is exactly what you pictured being an adult would be like when you were young? You can go where you want, when you want. You have (a little) money to spend on what you like. You have an apartment you love. Everything is as you pictured it when you were a lonely, outcast teenager just waiting for the chance to escape the hell of your small Wisconsin town. I had one of those moments at 80s dance night at the Phoenix Landing on Saturday.

That's right I said 80s dance night. My Train Friend and I both felt we needed to get out and have a good time. Originally the plan was to go see a band, but then the Phoenix was calling us. With it's fine selection of bottled beers and even finer selection of songs we always seem to shout "I love this song!" when they are played. It was one of those nights where the lyrics to "Freedom '90" just seemed all too applicable to our lives. Good times.

As always some random things happened:
1. I ran into a female friend of guy I sort of dated back in June. It was a girl I thought was really cool, but never got her number when I stopped seeing that guy. When I saw her again we had a nice little reunion and she ended up dancing with me and my Train Friend. I even saved her from several sketchy guys. This time numbers were exchanged and we are definitely going to hang out again. Also, she doesn't hang out with that dude I sort of dated anymore. Bonus!

2. My Train Friend managed to give her number to two different guys. Not so extraordinary until I mention that she gave her number to Guy #2 (a.k.a. Napoleon Dynamite) while Guy #1 was rubbing her shoulders. She's such a pimp.

3. I also might have possibly given my number to someone. Maybe. Ok, yes I did. So you know those guys that are employed by Marlboro and Camel to hand out lighters and stuff? Yep, that's right I picked up a lighter guy. Which Elle tells me is the equivalent of picking up a shot girl. What can I say? I rock. So, when the lighter guy was finished up giving out lighters he came over and danced with my little group of girls and my Train Friend and I both agreed that he was very cute. After a few minutes he leaned over to me and said "You're cute." How sweet is that? I of course told him that he was also "cute" and that I was now blushing. Then we exchanged digits.

Fast forward to yesterday, when lo and behold I see Lighter Guy's name pop up on my phone. We had a charming conversation and he invited me to a Halloween party on Friday. He is definitely CWP (cute with potential). As always I will keep you posted.

Friday, October 21, 2005

It's the new Dawn

I'm going to kick the Serb to the curb. I honestly did not intentionally make that rhyme. I suppose I just have too many reservations about him and such. Also, the dude never calls me. I mean he will call me eventually, but that's not good enough for me. That's not the entire reason that I'm ending things, but it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Also, my Train Friend told me I should. So, there you have it.

I also feel like I'm turning into Dawn more and more at work. Even though someone at work compared me to Pam, I've only seen one episode of the American version of the Office, so I prefer Dawn. Sorry, Pam.

...And for your viewing pleasure I give you The Dance:

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Drawing of Lightening Bolt Mocked at Seminar

I was shamed yesterday after having been instructed to draw a lightening bolt next to important items in my PowerPoint seminar workbook. My coworkers, whom all have gone to art school, openly mocked my lackluster drawing skills. Repeatedly.

It's not that bad...

*Embellishments courtesy of the King of the Underground.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tuesday Afternoon Updates

For those of you who have been concerned for my well being, don't worry, the flooding is about 45 minutes south of me. I know on the national news they say it's Boston, but trust me, it's not. I'm ok and happily situated on the second floor of any office building.

I have become designated mouse disposer in my apartment. Yeah, I'm really excited about that one. It's too bad my own personal mouse disposer no longer lives in the building behind mind.

Tomorrow I get to go to Portsmouth, NH for PowerPoint training for work. I am truly an adult now.

Confidential to Beautiful Lis: I've seen our future and this is what it looks like-

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's a museum, dumb ass.

Best question from volunteering at the information desk at the Gardner this weekend: Can you tell me which room has all the art?

Friday, October 14, 2005

I always know how to make a good impression

So last night I had the opportunity to meet some of my new roommates friends. As always I was my wonderful, sparkling self, with a lot of absolute klutz mixed in. Let me break it down for you. We were at dinner and I was seated next to Roomie Friend Number 1 (RF #1) and as he was telling quite a riveting story about his girlfriend I crossed my legs and in doing so kicked him squarely in the knee, effectively checking his reflexes. To make things more awkward I grabbed his knee while trying to apologize and then realized that I had just grabbed his knee, which was kind of inappropriate.

Cut to an hour later as we were sitting in the movie theater, we were sitting in two separate rows since there were so many of us. RF #1 was sitting in front me and I think you can see where this is going. A preview for Zathura came on and as I began to tell my neighbor how much I hated Jumanji and all other similars films and stories, I got a little excited and accidentally kicked the seat in front of me. Only I missed the seat and hit RF #1 shoulder instead.

As if this wasn't enough, leaving the theater I almost tripped on the escalator and into RF #1. Luckily, I caught myself in time, but I don't think I'll be getting any good reviews from RF #1 any time soon.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A cutie, a cute skirt, and self imposed torture to make myself cute

These three things all happened between 5:15 and 6:15 yesterday evening, most newsworthy hour I've had in a while:

1. I saw the PMG randomly on the street. I did a cute little wave and said hello and asked how he was doing. He smiled and asked me how I was doing. Cut to me five seconds later, grinning like an idiot.

2. I went to H&M for the express purpose of buying a skirt that I saw in an ad so I could take it home and turn it into a mini skirt. I did it last night and it looks hot! Cut to me Friday night, wearing my hot new skirt.

3. Went to see my mean eyebrow waxer again. I had the privilege of spending half an hour of torture listening to Barbara Streisand/Celine Dion duets while my waxer chastised me for not plucking my eyebrows between visits (I believe her actual reaction was, "Wow.") and how she gives herself brazilians. Ouch. Also I was warned that if I pluck on particular hair, that she wants make sure grow, she will make things very painful for me next time. If I didn't look so good when I left I don't know if I could take it.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Monday Morning Update

I hung out with the Serb again on Friday. We watched the quality flim Circus of Fear starring Christopher Lee. Yes, we actually watched it. It's notable for the presence of Ultra Lounge-ish music, actors that resemble famous actors (Marlon Brando, Karl Malden), sixties eye make-up, and a shoddy pan-and-scan that made the title card read "Ircus of Fear," which I imagine to be a tent full of really irritated people.

Circus of Fear!

Saturday I headed down to NYC to see Beautiful Lis. We did lots of exciting big city things like take naps and watch Miss Congeniality. Silliness ensued shortly after we made punch for her party involving peak-a-boo with the kitchen curtains and being attacked on the couch. As always I had a fabulous time. Made all the better by the fact that she gave me a pair a jeans from her clothing company that make my butt look really, really good. Thanks Lis, you're the best.

Oh and I split the difference on the cab/subway debate and took the subway on the way to her apartment and a cab back to Port Authority, more because I was running late and being lazy than anything else. Mom, you owe me $12 in cab fare.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Stupid Little Man Butt

Back in college I took a horrible German Film Class with a pretentious little man for a professor. He was actually a German teacher and just taught the film class for fun. Fun for him, not the rest of us. He pretty much spent the entire class forcing his opinions on us and then yelled at all of us for liking Run Lola, Run. He also had everyone give oral reports that really just turned into him once again foisting his opinions on us.

When I say he was little, I'm not exaggerating. He was probably about 5'2" and skinny with a huge salt and pepper beard. I really just did not like him at all. I especially didn't like him when he developed a habit of standing in front of my desk, thus exposing me to tiny, little man butt for the entire power lecture. Trust me when I say he wasn't doing it lasciviously, because I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get a better view of the cute boy that was in my class, while simultaneously blocking my view. Stupid little man butt.

Terrorism and Romantics

I'm heading down to New York this weekend to visit Beautiful Lis. My mom has offered to send me money to take a cab the entire time I'm there. What do you guys think? Should I take the cabs around NYC for two days or should I risk life and limb on the subway and pocket the cash? Decisions, decisions.

Something that is probably only of interest to me: I'm currently reading The Vagabond, which I purchased used at the Booksmith. I like to buy used books and imagine the "life" that they had before. Who has read it, where did they take it to read, etc. Yes, I really am a little bit of a romantic at heart. Yesterday, a receipt fell out of my book. Apparently it was purchased at the Amherst Bookshop on April 17, 1985 for $2.75. This would be slightly more impressive if the book looked like it had actually ever been opened. My guess, some student at UMASS bought the book for class, but never actually read it. A shame really.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


So the 'rents have come and gone leaving me with tons of shiny new stuff to play with. Yay! I was this close to having them buy me tivo, but it was a no go. Otherwise they were very generous with their affection.

Most of our weekend was spending hanging out on the beach. Even though my parents really don't agree with me that on vacation you aren't actually supposed to do anything. Seriously, those two never stop and they never sleep. I think I probably got about five hours of sleep the entire weekend. My mom even made me get up at five AM one morning to watch the sunrise, even though the sun didn't actually come up until 6:42 AM. So, yeah I'm pretty sleepy now.

The lighthouse we spent about an hour looking for then, once there, we got out, took a picture, and then left. Looks nice though, doesn't it?

I finally went out with the Serb last night. It was a good time. I had my first Black and Tan. Plans were made to hang out again later this week. Also, the Serb plays pretty much every sport known to man.