
Wednesday, October 05, 2005


So the 'rents have come and gone leaving me with tons of shiny new stuff to play with. Yay! I was this close to having them buy me tivo, but it was a no go. Otherwise they were very generous with their affection.

Most of our weekend was spending hanging out on the beach. Even though my parents really don't agree with me that on vacation you aren't actually supposed to do anything. Seriously, those two never stop and they never sleep. I think I probably got about five hours of sleep the entire weekend. My mom even made me get up at five AM one morning to watch the sunrise, even though the sun didn't actually come up until 6:42 AM. So, yeah I'm pretty sleepy now.

The lighthouse we spent about an hour looking for then, once there, we got out, took a picture, and then left. Looks nice though, doesn't it?

I finally went out with the Serb last night. It was a good time. I had my first Black and Tan. Plans were made to hang out again later this week. Also, the Serb plays pretty much every sport known to man.