
Monday, September 19, 2005

A Real Bitch

A couple months ago my bosses got a new puppy. When they were picking out names they discussed calling her a name that was very similar to mine, only off by two letters. I told them they could not name their puppy that, it was much too close to mine and they could not name their puppy after me. They did it anyway. Ok fine. I can deal with it. Right? Right?

Not only have they named her something similar to my name, they also began calling her a nick name which is similar to nick names that I have had in the past. I can handle that. It doesn't really make that much difference. I mean they might as well right since they already decided to essentially name her after me they might as well go ahead and get an entire army of dogs and name them after me since they apparently love my name so much. They could add other pets too what about an iguana named Monday Girl and a squirrel named Tuesday Girl. Heck, why not get that snake they've been talking about for so long and name it Wednesday Girl.

Now they've started calling me by their dog's nick name and I've begun searching the want ads.

Come here Friday Girl! Come on Girl! Come here Friday!