
Friday, September 30, 2005

Odds and Ends

Someone found my site yesterday by searching for "Serbian Hotties." I guess this would be the place to go. Am I right? Anywho, I feel that it is my duty to give you an update on my own Serbian Hottie. He called me and we had a lovely conversation and have scheduled a date for next Tuesday (we are both very busy and important people you see). This means that I have to do an even more extensive google search of Serbia.

It's a good thing that our date isn't until next week because I have a nasty cold right now. I went to the doctor yesterday and ended up waiting three hours before I finally got in to see someone. To make matters worse they had little SARS masks on the desk and said that if you had a cough that you were required to wear one. Well, being the fashion conscious person I am and knowing that a SARS mask just didn't go with my outfit, I spent the next three hours stifling my horrible cough. The good news is that the petite British doctor told me I was the nicest patient she had all day and thanks to the antibiotics she prescribed, I'm feeling much better today.

Now, if they had the Louis Vuitton masks I might have reconsidered...

In other news: My parents are coming to visit. I'm looking forward to being babied and taken out to eat at all the places that I normally would not be able to afford. Also, we are going to spend the weekend on the beach in Maine. Woo-hoo! All lobsters located off the coast of Maine should start running for their lives.