
Friday, October 07, 2005

Stupid Little Man Butt

Back in college I took a horrible German Film Class with a pretentious little man for a professor. He was actually a German teacher and just taught the film class for fun. Fun for him, not the rest of us. He pretty much spent the entire class forcing his opinions on us and then yelled at all of us for liking Run Lola, Run. He also had everyone give oral reports that really just turned into him once again foisting his opinions on us.

When I say he was little, I'm not exaggerating. He was probably about 5'2" and skinny with a huge salt and pepper beard. I really just did not like him at all. I especially didn't like him when he developed a habit of standing in front of my desk, thus exposing me to tiny, little man butt for the entire power lecture. Trust me when I say he wasn't doing it lasciviously, because I'm pretty sure he just wanted to get a better view of the cute boy that was in my class, while simultaneously blocking my view. Stupid little man butt.