
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Need Time To Realize My Crime

Do you every have those moments when your life as an adult is exactly what you pictured being an adult would be like when you were young? You can go where you want, when you want. You have (a little) money to spend on what you like. You have an apartment you love. Everything is as you pictured it when you were a lonely, outcast teenager just waiting for the chance to escape the hell of your small Wisconsin town. I had one of those moments at 80s dance night at the Phoenix Landing on Saturday.

That's right I said 80s dance night. My Train Friend and I both felt we needed to get out and have a good time. Originally the plan was to go see a band, but then the Phoenix was calling us. With it's fine selection of bottled beers and even finer selection of songs we always seem to shout "I love this song!" when they are played. It was one of those nights where the lyrics to "Freedom '90" just seemed all too applicable to our lives. Good times.

As always some random things happened:
1. I ran into a female friend of guy I sort of dated back in June. It was a girl I thought was really cool, but never got her number when I stopped seeing that guy. When I saw her again we had a nice little reunion and she ended up dancing with me and my Train Friend. I even saved her from several sketchy guys. This time numbers were exchanged and we are definitely going to hang out again. Also, she doesn't hang out with that dude I sort of dated anymore. Bonus!

2. My Train Friend managed to give her number to two different guys. Not so extraordinary until I mention that she gave her number to Guy #2 (a.k.a. Napoleon Dynamite) while Guy #1 was rubbing her shoulders. She's such a pimp.

3. I also might have possibly given my number to someone. Maybe. Ok, yes I did. So you know those guys that are employed by Marlboro and Camel to hand out lighters and stuff? Yep, that's right I picked up a lighter guy. Which Elle tells me is the equivalent of picking up a shot girl. What can I say? I rock. So, when the lighter guy was finished up giving out lighters he came over and danced with my little group of girls and my Train Friend and I both agreed that he was very cute. After a few minutes he leaned over to me and said "You're cute." How sweet is that? I of course told him that he was also "cute" and that I was now blushing. Then we exchanged digits.

Fast forward to yesterday, when lo and behold I see Lighter Guy's name pop up on my phone. We had a charming conversation and he invited me to a Halloween party on Friday. He is definitely CWP (cute with potential). As always I will keep you posted.