
Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday Tricks and Treats

I haven't really ended things with the Serb. Yet. Oh, I still want to, it's just he hasn't returned my call so I can tell him I don't want him to call me anymore. Easiest break-up ever. I hope. He'll probably call me next week and want to hang out. Typical. My real worry is that he's going to call me and leave a message. Does that mean I have to call him back? I feel like I should. Thoughts?

Tonight Beautiful Lis is coming into town so we can tear things up for Halloween. We'll be all over this town from Brighton to Somerville. The burbs had better watch out. There might also be some pumpkin carving plans in the works with her niece and nephew.

I also have an invitation from a co-worker's four year-old son to go trick-or-treating with him on Monday, but only if I dress up as a ninja.

Oh yeah, I'm going out for a pre-party, pre-picking* up Beautiful Lis at the bus station drink tonight with the Lighter Guy. I have butterflies! Hee!

*Just so you know I don't have a car and therefore am picking her up by T. I don't drink and drive sillies. That's just dumb.