
Thursday, March 31, 2005

Girly Crush #2

I have a new girly crush. Tuesday as I was going home a girl got on at the Copley stop rocking a beehive. Seriously. Would I lie to you? Would I say something that wasn't true? I'm asking you sugar, would I lie to you? But I digress, the thing had to be about 5 inches high, no small feet mind you. In addition to the gravity defying hair she was also wearing a red vintage polyester dress with stripes going down the front, a red blazer, red tights, and a matching purse and barret. I couldn't tell if she was crazy or just an individual or both. Also, she kind of looked like Lori from Real 10: Back to New York. I was really tempted to ask her if she wanted to be friends.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Parents Bought the Farm...Literally!

Seriously you guys, my parents bought the farm. I've also been informed that while they were there they kicked the bucket then bit the dust, you know just to make sure that it wasn't too acidic or anything.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Clearing the Air

Some things that need clarification.

1. On March 13, 2005 I attended a performance of Cendrillon. In my review of the performance I stated that "the music was so bad." This was a typo. I meant to say "not so bad" and I probably should have said that it was very well done and I enjoyed it very much. Thus the reason it received the highest grade of any of the other performances I attended that weekend. I apologize to anyone who might have been offended by my horrible typing. The funny thing is that I get paid to type. Hmmm, perhaps I'm in the wrong profession.

2. On March 18, 2005 I posted an interview with the international film star Sunday Girl regarding her Mystery Date on St. Patrick's Day. In the interview it seemed as though Sunday's Mystery Date took one look at her and went running for the hills. The interview was very misleading. The real reason for the Mystery Date's sudden departure was an important phone call from work regarding a situation that needed imediate attention. Seriously, that's why he left. I'm telling you that's why. No, really he had work to do. He is really committed to his job... Oh, I'm just going to go get a pint of Ben and Jerry's now and sit on my couch and watch The Princess Bride.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I Plucked My Eyebrows for This?

If I were an international film star giving an interview today it might go something like this.

Interviewer: Let me ask you are you currently involved with anyone?
Sunday Girl: I'm sorry I don't answer questions about my personal life. I learned my lesson when I was in a torrid love affair with Clive Owen.
Interviewer: Well as I understand it, you were set up on a date last night?
Sunday Girl: I was?
I: Yes, your married friends wanted you to meet one of their single friends.
SG: Oh, that guy who was at the bar for five minutes, shook my hand, and then left again.
I: Yes.
SG: That's not a date.
I: Well, it was supposed to be.
SG: Yeah, but it wasn't. Next question.
I: Alright then moving on, how was the rest of the St. Patrick's Day celebration.
SG: Oh it was good. I had a couple of pints of Guiness and some fish and chips. I also had one of my eardrums blown out by a Brazillan with no volume control.
I: How did that happen?
SG: What?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mystery Date

I'm only going if Roger Lodge makes snide remarks afterwards. Where am I am going? On a Blind Date of course! It seems the husband of one of my friends likes to play matchmaker. So tomorrow I will be attending the St. Patty's Day Battle to the Death (Which sounds very exciting doesn't it?) along with my married friends and their friend "Kyle." Oh lordy! I'm getting sort of nervous.

"Kyle" apparently enjoys riding his bike, skateboarder, and working in Back Bay. He is also 30 and hails from the midwest. We'll see. I'm trying not to a) get my hopes up or b) dismiss the poor fella before I even meet. I think I might need to swing by H&M after work. Don't worry, I'll give you all the details on Friday.


Is it too mean to send this email to an evil ex whom I haven't talked to in two years, but sends me mass emails like it's going out style?

To: Evil Ex Who, Enjoys Telling Me How Much Other Girls Want Him
From: Sunday Girl, Who Could Care Less About How Many Girls Want Evil Ex, Because It Is All In His Delusional Head
Subject: Unsubscribe

Please remove me from your distribution list. I no longer wish to receive emails from you. Thank you very much for you time.


Sunday Girl

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My Musical Weekend Review

Friday: I went to see Marianne Faithful at the Paradise Rock Club. The opening act Fernando Saunders was so terrible I had to leave and then suck down drinks to forget the horror. It was like someone took a chainsaw to my ears. Ms. Faithful was good, but very, very short. Not in height, no I'm talking about the length of her show. Only a hour and a half with no encore. Where's the love Marianne. Plus, I was forced to watch a lot of old people make out with one another and some old dude passed out. I give it a C+

Saturday: Since it was snowy and I'm lazy I did nothing but watch movies all day long. When I finally managed to summon the strength to leave it was only to go to my friend's choir concert. Although the concert was enjoyable I experienced many painful flashbacks from my own choir days (NOT THE BENJAMIN BRITTEN! NOOOO!). The copious amounts food and booze promised on condition of attendence was then withheld due to fatigue. Also, my friend's husband now wants to set me up with his possibly-gay-bike-riding friend. Score! I give it a B.

Sunday: I decided to be cultured and attended a performance of Cendrillon (Cinderella) an opera performed by the New England Conservatory. The sets and costumes were fantastic and the music was so bad. The performace was followed by one of the best burgers I've had since living in Boston. I give it an A (it would have been a B+, but the burger really pushed it over the edge.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I know what you're thinking and before you get all needy and "Hey, where ya been? I missed youuuuu." on me, let me try to explain the mind number state of boredom I have been in the past week. So mind numbing that I think I might have begun hallucinating. Are there really elephants in my office? I can't really be sure right now.

Not much to report. I didn't watch the season finale of the Real World because I was tired. Why? My stupid neighbors had a fight at 12:30 the night before. It is really hard to sleep when all you can hear is "SAY YOU'RE SORRY OR GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I want to write them a note telling them to be quite, accompanied with the number of a couple's counselor and an ombudsman. I love that word ombudsman. So thanks to the couple who should break up for the sake of the rest of the building I've been a little off all week, contributing to lack of posts.

More later I promise. I wouldn't want you to not have anything to read and laugh at while at work. And don't worry I realize that you are laughing at and not with.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Darlin' Don't You Go and Cut That Hair

I got a haircut and I think I hate it. Although it is not significantly different than my old hair style, it just seems so much shorter and therefore uglier. I feel as though I have passed the threshold of cute, spunky short hair to possibly questioning my sexuality short hair (and no I am not questioning my sexuality, thank you very much). I tried to make it look messy and cute this morning, but that proved a futile exercise the second I put on my hat. I feel like there is nothing I can do with it. I think this has officially ushered in an era which I will refer to as "The Era of Growing my Hair Long Again." It will be long and painful since my hair grows rather slowly and I am sure that I will have some weird in-between things going on. It will be a long and bumpy road I am sure.

And before the peanut gallery starts requesting to see photographic proof of my horrible hair, I should let you know that I am unable to use my home computer due to some nasty viruses and am unable to put any photos on my site at the moment. I promise to take some pictures and provide proof as soon as possible.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Worst Day to Be Dumped in the History of the World

Today at work we got onto the topic of worst break ups ever. Now a lot of people have had some pretty bad break ups, ones that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but I have a doozy of a break up story that I am going to share with now. You see it's not that this particular break up was worse than others or that I was particularly sad that relationship ended, it was the timing of the entire thing. I know of people who've been dumped on Valentine's day, on their birthday, on Christmas, and on their birthday, which also happened to be Christmas, but I think my worst dumping story surpasses all of these since it happened on one of the most infamous days in current history. Yes, it's true I was dumped on September 11, 2001. I know, what a shit! Who the hell dumps someone on September 11? In his defense though he had planned on doing it that day anyway. What am I saying? I don't want to defend him. He should have known better, jerk.

Let me set up it up for you; we went for a walk and talked about the horrible, horribleness of the day. Then we got to talking about whether classes would be cancelled, should they be cancelled, whether or not people would be going to work the next day etc. Then I said something to the effect that there seemed to be two kinds of people, (1) those who wanted to move on and go about their regular business and (2) those who feel that everything should stop while we reflect on the tragedy. Then he said, "I've been wondering what kind of person I am myself." Then I knew it, I knew what was coming and I knew he was total shit and I should be glad to be rid of him. Well, maybe I didn't realize that last part until after months of contemplation. I remember not really processing the information until about four days later and I finally realized I had been totally dumped. I was actually very calm when he told me. I said we could be friends and I think I might have even smiled. I remember that he was kind of worried when I took things so well and he was kind of right. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't let him off the hook that easily.

In a way being dumped on September 11 really put things into perspective. I really couldn't feel too sorry for myself when it seemed like the world was falling about at the seems. Anyway, it makes a really good story and I come out smelling like a rose, while my ex, well...feel free to insert your own expletive.