
Tuesday, March 15, 2005

My Musical Weekend Review

Friday: I went to see Marianne Faithful at the Paradise Rock Club. The opening act Fernando Saunders was so terrible I had to leave and then suck down drinks to forget the horror. It was like someone took a chainsaw to my ears. Ms. Faithful was good, but very, very short. Not in height, no I'm talking about the length of her show. Only a hour and a half with no encore. Where's the love Marianne. Plus, I was forced to watch a lot of old people make out with one another and some old dude passed out. I give it a C+

Saturday: Since it was snowy and I'm lazy I did nothing but watch movies all day long. When I finally managed to summon the strength to leave it was only to go to my friend's choir concert. Although the concert was enjoyable I experienced many painful flashbacks from my own choir days (NOT THE BENJAMIN BRITTEN! NOOOO!). The copious amounts food and booze promised on condition of attendence was then withheld due to fatigue. Also, my friend's husband now wants to set me up with his possibly-gay-bike-riding friend. Score! I give it a B.

Sunday: I decided to be cultured and attended a performance of Cendrillon (Cinderella) an opera performed by the New England Conservatory. The sets and costumes were fantastic and the music was so bad. The performace was followed by one of the best burgers I've had since living in Boston. I give it an A (it would have been a B+, but the burger really pushed it over the edge.