
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Worst Day to Be Dumped in the History of the World

Today at work we got onto the topic of worst break ups ever. Now a lot of people have had some pretty bad break ups, ones that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but I have a doozy of a break up story that I am going to share with now. You see it's not that this particular break up was worse than others or that I was particularly sad that relationship ended, it was the timing of the entire thing. I know of people who've been dumped on Valentine's day, on their birthday, on Christmas, and on their birthday, which also happened to be Christmas, but I think my worst dumping story surpasses all of these since it happened on one of the most infamous days in current history. Yes, it's true I was dumped on September 11, 2001. I know, what a shit! Who the hell dumps someone on September 11? In his defense though he had planned on doing it that day anyway. What am I saying? I don't want to defend him. He should have known better, jerk.

Let me set up it up for you; we went for a walk and talked about the horrible, horribleness of the day. Then we got to talking about whether classes would be cancelled, should they be cancelled, whether or not people would be going to work the next day etc. Then I said something to the effect that there seemed to be two kinds of people, (1) those who wanted to move on and go about their regular business and (2) those who feel that everything should stop while we reflect on the tragedy. Then he said, "I've been wondering what kind of person I am myself." Then I knew it, I knew what was coming and I knew he was total shit and I should be glad to be rid of him. Well, maybe I didn't realize that last part until after months of contemplation. I remember not really processing the information until about four days later and I finally realized I had been totally dumped. I was actually very calm when he told me. I said we could be friends and I think I might have even smiled. I remember that he was kind of worried when I took things so well and he was kind of right. If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't let him off the hook that easily.

In a way being dumped on September 11 really put things into perspective. I really couldn't feel too sorry for myself when it seemed like the world was falling about at the seems. Anyway, it makes a really good story and I come out smelling like a rose, while my ex, well...feel free to insert your own expletive.