
Friday, March 18, 2005

I Plucked My Eyebrows for This?

If I were an international film star giving an interview today it might go something like this.

Interviewer: Let me ask you are you currently involved with anyone?
Sunday Girl: I'm sorry I don't answer questions about my personal life. I learned my lesson when I was in a torrid love affair with Clive Owen.
Interviewer: Well as I understand it, you were set up on a date last night?
Sunday Girl: I was?
I: Yes, your married friends wanted you to meet one of their single friends.
SG: Oh, that guy who was at the bar for five minutes, shook my hand, and then left again.
I: Yes.
SG: That's not a date.
I: Well, it was supposed to be.
SG: Yeah, but it wasn't. Next question.
I: Alright then moving on, how was the rest of the St. Patrick's Day celebration.
SG: Oh it was good. I had a couple of pints of Guiness and some fish and chips. I also had one of my eardrums blown out by a Brazillan with no volume control.
I: How did that happen?
SG: What?