
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Name is Sunday Girl and I am a Lightweight

Hey kids, how ya been? Things have been busy, but unfortunately not very interesting to report to the readers at large. Things are looking up however. Today the office manager took me out to celebrate Administrative Assistant's Day and I had a glass of wine, which affected me more than I would like to admit. I know! What happened to happy-fun-time Sunday Girl who went out every night of the week and never got a hang over? She has gone the way of the dinosaur I am afraid and has been replaced by responsible-old-lady-like Sunday Girl who is in bed by 10:30. *Sigh*

This weekend I'm going out on another blind date set up by one of my co-workers. This time a friend of one of co-worker's fiances (try to say that three times fast) is in town and wants to meet some girls or more specifically me. "Mr. McNally" is supposedly cute and flirty, which I have no problems with. I'm cute and flirtly too! Were perfect for each other! Man, you let a few committed people know you are single and everyone wants to set you up on a date. Not that I mind.

My co-worker was actually somewhat embarassed to ask me if I wanted to go. Mr. McNally apparently asked her if she had any cute friends and she named me (isn't she sweet!). Naturally Mr. McNally wanted to meet me. I'm going out to dinner with my co-worker, her fiance, and Mr. McNally on Friday. Have no fear pets, I will give you a full report.