
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Utterly Chaotic

Last weekend was spent at home with my mom and my sisters, with occasional guest appearances by my dad. Below are some excerpts from my sister Red's recap of the weekend. Enjoy!

There is a lot of material in Beans and Cream. It's a goldmine!

Mom sees a former schoolmate's mother and yet again another grocery store visit fails to pass in anonymity.

The hot tub smells like shrimp due to the Baquacil, which puts me off shrimp for the rest of weekend.

We love an outlet store, almost as much as we love to buy matching nightgowns. [Sunday Girl: Sadly, you don't know how true this is.]

The vino does flow and it causes a minor schism which is resolved with a few drunken tears and some hugs. [Sunday Girl: Why drinking and dining with family do not mix.]

[Name of My Sister's Former High School Boyfriend, Ok, Not Boyfriend, But Close Enough]! But my hair looked so good tonight!

It's kind of like Helen's lunch stand on "Wings," but expanded. Where was Antonio? Lowell? Roy Biggins? They were all spirit.

Stecky marveled over the discovery of a pizza with the perfect cheese to crust to sauce ratio (the famous pizzeria theorem p=cxcxs).

[Mom: In bed by 12:00 in order to be up at the crack of dawn to torment the children.]

[Stecky: Make no mistake, mom is a wild lady. Don't be fooled by her consumption of chardonnay.]

Beans and Cream is not a farmstead that grows green bean and milks cows. Nor is a clever name for a Mexican restaurant that uses sour cream and frijoles. It is a coffee house at the new complex in our hometown.

Thanks ladies it was a hoot!