
Monday, November 01, 2004

I saw Coral, Arissa, AND Karamo!

A very fun weekend indeed. Lisa was in town on Friday and Trouble and Double Trouble were at it again. This time mixing things up in Boston. Sadly though, it seems that Trouble and Double Trouble have mellowed and are more interested in catching up with each other than reaking havoc. Sorry to disppoint you Klabby. I was able to test out a new restaurant, Tasca, it was very good and is now on my list of places to eat. Plus, I can walk there from my house. I miss having you around Lisa! It was fun!

Saturday night was spent dancing at the Matrix. A unanimous decision was made to never go back to the Matrix ever again. Not only are there never any people there, it seems that the few people that are there happen to be gross, icky guys. Also, I was very upset that no one commented on my fabulous costume (Tippi Hedren from the Birds).

My sister was here on Sunday! Yay! We chilled downtown with her friends Marlee and Catherine, where we all spent way too much money at H&M. The most exciting event of the day was that the Champs store across the street had special guests Coral, Arissa, and Karamo from the Real World! How exciting and right after I griped about not having any sightings to speak of. Oh yeah, and some rapper named Fabulous was there. I don't know who that is. I live in a hole.