
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Avert your eyes if you are squemish

I apologize for the graphic nature of this post. I just have to get it out of my system, no pun intended. Read on if you dare.

I went to the doctor today for a routine checkup. Since I am a new patient they wanted to run all sorts of tests on me to check for heart diease, blood clots, gingivitis, and horrible memories from early childhood. I hate, HATE getting blood drawn for several reasons, one includes passing out on a roller coaster (but that's a story for another time).

So I settle into the chair expecting not to be there for very long. The nurse pokes me in the arm, as I look away and try to pretend it isn't happening. I look back thinking that I'm done, but I'm not. Oh no, my friends. There was lots o'blood letting to be had. They took not one, not two, not even three vials. No, they took seven. Seven!

At one point the blood stopped coming out and the nurse poked my vein to get is going again. Just like pushing a button. Shouldn't that be a sign that there isn't anything left. Add in the fact I had yet to eat breakfast and you have one unhappy girl. They didn't even give me a cookie. The girl who got her blood taken after me got a cookie. I saw her skipping out of the doctor's office with a little package in her hand, as pleased as punch.

Now I have been woosy all day long and my arm hurts. Again, sorry for the ick factor.