
Monday, September 27, 2004

Creepy Yankee Fans on the T

I encountered some scary people on the T yesterday as I coming back from gocery shopping. I made the mistake of sitting at the back of the train a few rows in front of two men who were shouting at each other, using foul language, and seemed very agitated. I began to eavesdrop on their conversation, since it was very hard not to. It seems that they had gotten into some sort of fisticuffs just beforehand and one was yelling at the other for being a horrible fighter. Apparently the second man had gotten sucker punched. Ha ha, sucker. Doing my best Columbo impression I deduced that they were Yankees fans because the Red Sox/Yankees game had just ended, one was wearing a Yankees t-shirt, and they had absolutely no idea where they were. As the train got to the end of the Green Line at Cleveland Cirle the first man got up and asked me how to get to Park Street. My suspicion that they had been in a fight recently was confirmed when I saw specks of blood all over his clothes and his knuckles were bleeding. Ew. I tried to give him very quick directions to cross the tracks and get on the train going in the opposite direction. This episode has confirmed my belief that the Red Sox are wicked awesome and Yankees suck. This point is reinforced by the fact that the Sox totally butchered the Yankees this weekend. Wicked.