
Friday, October 15, 2004

P and P try to pawn off random items

My parents are coming into town today. Carrying with them several items of mine that I left at home. I was on the phone with them last night finalizing the list of things that I want/need. My Mom is under the impression that I don't have anything here and has prepared a very large suitcase to fill with my belongings. She was very upset to learn that I am pretty well set and proceeded to walk around the house, picking up random items, and asking me if I want them.

Mom: Do you want a toaster?
Me: No, I don't have room for a toaster.
Mom: How about a cookie sheet or a jelly roll pan?
Me: Again, limited kitchen space.

By this time I could here my dad in the background and he was joining my mother in the bizarro scavenger hunt.

Mom: How about some tools?
Dad (muffled in the background): Does she want a wall clock, we have an extra wall clock.
Me: No and no.
Mom: Do you want an iron?
Me: I have one already.
Mom: Oh, you need one?
Me: No, I am already in possession of an iron and ironing board.
Dad: Does she need an iron, because I just found one here.

And it went on like this for another 20 minutes. It will be interesting to see what they bring me. I did ask her to bring me some silverware, which was the only thing they could not find.

Mom: Do you know where your silverware is?
Me: The last time I saw it, it was in the garage.
Mom: Oh, well your father moved it. Do you know where he put it?

I don't think I can add any comment here. I'm sure I will have more to report on Monday. I know you can't wait.