
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Akward Laundry Room Encounter Results in Load of Static Cling

My roommate Nicki and I headed down to the laundry room last night, she to take clothes out of the dryer, me to put clothes into the washer. Nicki had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel on her head. When we got to the laundry room there were two strange guys there. Guy #1 was just some average looking guy putting stuff into the washers, Guy #2 looked like a 40 year-old bike messenger. They were talking to each other and Guy #1 turned around to look at us we came in and said "Oh, girls in towels." I wanted to point out that I was not in a towel, but I thought it best not to provoke him. Then Guy #1 received a call on his cell phone, his conversation included telling the person on the other end to "standby" and that he would be at his apartment in a just a few minutes. I have to ask, who uses the term "standby" unless it pertains to some sort of technology?

Later when I went to put my clothes in the dryer Guy #1 was there and tried to talk to me! Horror of all horrors! He asked me what the deal was with the cards (you see we have cards that we put money and we don't have to use quarters). Since I was the only one in the room I couldn't really ignore him, so I said "It's better than having to scrounge for quarters." Then he replied, "I could probably spend $30 a month on laundry." (Mind you it only costs about $3 per load washing and drying, I usually do about 6 loads a month MAX.) I couldn't stop myself so I said, "I don't know what kind of laundry you are doing." That seemed to do the trick and he stopped speaking to me. The situation was so weird and I swear he was looking at my underwear as I loaded my laundry. I hurried out of there so quickly that I forgot to put in a dryer sheet. This morning when I got to work a sniggering co-worker pointed out that there was a sock stuck to the back of my shirt. Fie on you Guy #1!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Period Movie Proves to be Little More than Boob-Fest

Yes, I knew when I rented the movie "Dangerous Beauty" that it was the story of a courtesan in Renaissance Venice. Yes, I knew that. I knew that there would be some sort of bodice ripping nookie involved. Little did I know that it would turn into an all out boob-fest. I imagined picturesque scenes of Venice, beautiful dresses, and intricately styled hair. There was a plot, panoramic views, and pretty costumes, but there was also much more. I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that woman during the Renaissance would ride on a gondola bare chested, even if they are prostitutes. Also, there were too many suggestive acts performed on foods, I will never be able to look at bannas or asparagus in the same way ever again. Nicki also had a similar experience recently when she watched "Bram Stoker's Dracula." Her theory is that the filmmakers include all the boobage so that girls can actually convince their boyfriends to watch period dramas with them. Its historical, they are learning something. Its not like we are making them sit through "Mad Love."

Monday, September 27, 2004

Creepy Yankee Fans on the T

I encountered some scary people on the T yesterday as I coming back from gocery shopping. I made the mistake of sitting at the back of the train a few rows in front of two men who were shouting at each other, using foul language, and seemed very agitated. I began to eavesdrop on their conversation, since it was very hard not to. It seems that they had gotten into some sort of fisticuffs just beforehand and one was yelling at the other for being a horrible fighter. Apparently the second man had gotten sucker punched. Ha ha, sucker. Doing my best Columbo impression I deduced that they were Yankees fans because the Red Sox/Yankees game had just ended, one was wearing a Yankees t-shirt, and they had absolutely no idea where they were. As the train got to the end of the Green Line at Cleveland Cirle the first man got up and asked me how to get to Park Street. My suspicion that they had been in a fight recently was confirmed when I saw specks of blood all over his clothes and his knuckles were bleeding. Ew. I tried to give him very quick directions to cross the tracks and get on the train going in the opposite direction. This episode has confirmed my belief that the Red Sox are wicked awesome and Yankees suck. This point is reinforced by the fact that the Sox totally butchered the Yankees this weekend. Wicked.

Mother threatens to vote for Nader

Transcript from a recent phone conversation with Pam.

Me: Mom you should really vote for John Kerry and not George Bush. Its really important since Wisconsin is a swing state.

Mom: I don't know. I always think Nader looks good.

Me: Nader! Nader! You always say that.

Mom: Well, I never tell anyone who I vote for.

Me: Fine, have fun wasting your vote.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Wrapping Paper is the new Candy Bar

Ahh, remember the days when school fundraisers were all about candy bars and frozen pizza that was one step up from eating cardboard. Not now my friends. It is all about wrapping paper. Rolls and rolls of wrapping paper. Companies competing to get your kid to hock Frosty the Snowman peel and stick labels. What is the world coming to. The worst part is that those little buggers are starting to wear me down. I mean Chirstmas is only three months away and I do need wrapping paper...

Evil T Driver Goes On Power Trip

As I was getting on to the D line at Resevoir Monday, I was humiliated by a T driver exerting his power over my transportation abilities. "A token and a quarteah please." Mind you I have been taking the D into town Boston for the past two weeks only using one token. Quarters had not been part of the equation up until that point. "A token and a quarteah please" the driver repeated while "Show-N-Go" pass holders pushed past me with digusted looks on their faces. Since I was not in possession of any quarters at the moment I attempted to get off the train and get change from the machine. Luckily, a polite MBTA worker waved me back on the train sans quarter. Today, I encountered the same T driver holding a women upside down by her ankles and shaking all of her money out of her pockets while screaming "A token and a quarteah, please." I guess I got him on a good day.