
Thursday, June 02, 2005

Pet Peeves

So we already know that one of my pet peeves is people leaning against subway poles (a subject which David Sedaris delves into in "Me Talk Pretty One Day"), but what are some other things I hate, you might ask? Well for starters any sort of comment on what I am eating. Ok I take that back, if something looks good you can let me know or if you are not sure what something is, that's cool too. However, if you just want to point out to me what I am consuming, don't. I hate that. I hate it when people walk by me and look down at my plate and say, "Ravioli." or "Oatmeal." or god forbid "Hamburger." Yes, that is what I'm eating and I knew that before you pointed that out to me.

What I really hate though is when people feel they need to not only tell you what you are eating, but what they feel about that. Take this morning for example. I was eating cereal with soy milk and someone said to me, "How can you be from Wisconsin and drink soy milk." Now this is a moment where I not only have to defend my taste buds, but also my home state. Lots of people in Wisconsin drink soy milk and lots of people drink whole milk. It's all ok. Then said person went on to tell me how much he hates soy milk and in my head I proceeded to think about how annoyed I was.

Seriously folks, pet peeve. Don't talk about what I eat, unless you want a bite and I will be happy to oblige.