
Monday, January 31, 2005

Playing with Gmail's mind*

Ladies and Gentlemen for your enjoyment, an email conversation:

To: JG
From: Sunday Girl
Re: The Super Eights

How sad and depressed am I that I am going to miss the super eights show this weekend. You better go in my stead and tell me everything. I don't even have my record player here, so I can't listen to their songs. Sadness!


To: Sunday Girl
From: JG
Re: re: The Super Eights

I saw's a potentially bogus reformation of the group though,
not the original Super Eights!

I would also like to point out that the way g-mail works is it searches
the text of an email and tries to provide relevant advertisements off
to the side. I like that when you sent me an email, it gave me
listings for help with my troubled teen. Is everything
alright? Do you need to talk to someone?


To: JG
From: Sunday Girl
Re: re: re: The Super Eights

In the email it said that they have a new keyboardist. Damn, I think I should just come home this weekend so I can see them. I'm going to check flights right now. So now do you have a bunch of advertisements for Orbitz? Oh yeah, I do need help desperately. I am a very troubled teen. I only wear black and read tons of Slyvia Plath while I think about how unfair life is and how I wish I was popular.


To: Sunday Girl
From: JG
Re: re: re: re: The Super Eights

A nice mix...

To: JG
From: Sunday Girl
Re: re: re: re: re: The Super Eights

See now this is getting fun. What if I just start talking about one-eyed purple people eaters, bed wetting, dynamite, obscure 70's tv shows (What's Happening, anyone?), the NRA, and of course Tammy Faye Baker, you absolutely cannot do without her. Enjoy your random mix of advertisements.

Note to anyone living in Madison, WI: If you do not go see the Super Eights at Mickey's on Saturday night, you lead a sad life indeed. Come on! All their songs are about states! Who doesn't love that?

*I actually wanted to title this post "F***ing with Gmail's mind," but I like to stay kid friendly.