
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

In the immortal words of Charlie Brown "Arrrrrrrgh!"

I haven't had too much luck with dealing with other companies lately. It seems that customer service really doesn't exist anymore or that we now live in a communist state where we have to wait hours, if not days, for service of any kind. Here is one interaction that I had with a electronics company yesterday. Keep in mind while you are reading this that I had a very difficult time even ordering an item from them a month ago:

Me (after being on hold for 15 minutes): Hi, I wanted to check the status of an order I made on December 17.
Them: Um... let's see. Um... what's your order number?
Me: 8273
Them: Ok, Brian Crabtree?
Me: No
Them: Oh, well, um, let me transfer you to someone else.

I was then put on hold for another 15 minutes while the most annoying song played on the other end of the phone. It was basically a 5th rate Backstreet Boys rip off with the name of the company insterted where the word "baby" should have been. Think of the episode of South Park where Cartman forms the Christian rock band with Token and Butters and Cartman takes pop songs and changes all the "babys" to "Jesus." Funny in cartoon form, not so funny when you are on hold and already fustrated.

Finally the phone rings.

Them: Hi, we are unable to take your call right now. Please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Me: Hi, I'm calling because you seem to have majorly screwed up an order that I made a month ago and should have received 3 weeks ago. I would really like to talk to a real live person and not have to listen to that horrible song anymore while I am on hold. I mean is it really so hard to pipe in classical music? I think it might be a good idea for the sanity of your customers. And, while we are on the subject of your customers, could you please find some way to provide them with some sort of service. I've had a very difficult time dealing with your website and with people on the phone, that is if I am lucky enough to actually speak with a live individual. I know that you probably won't want to call me back after this, but please do, because all I really want is to order a product from you. Is that so wrong?

No, I haven't heard from them yet.