
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Oh , it's on!

I innocently sent out an email to the office this morning telling everyone I will be leaving on Thursday to travel to Wisconsin to my family. Little did I know that this would turn into an all-out war with the resident FIB (F***ing Illinois B*stard).

My email:
Just a reminder that I will leaving on Thursday for an extended visit to the cheese state. I will be making a staples order sometime this afternoon. If you need something please let me know before 2 pm. I will be back in the office January 3. I know a place that sells discount cheese, so if you want some pepper jack or sharp cheddar, they even have a bag 'o cheese, come on you know you want to...

The Response:
The Wisconsin State Motto: Come Smell Our Dairy Air.

So it is war. I've had paper thrown at me, people dropping by my desk to make fun of the Packers, and I wouldn't be suprised if I find a big ball of cheese on my desk tomorrow. I do have one ally however. I received this email a little while ago:


I had heard a rumor that there was a fellow cheesehead at DDA, and now
I know it's true after Bob* forwarded a couple of messages
concerning Wisconsin and its Dairy Air.

Of course people people like Bob and Daniel* enjoy making
sport of those of us from superior states, but it's only jealousy. We
should feel sorry for them and not be offended.

I'm sending an image of a button you should print and wear proudly
around the office.

The button says "Eat Cheese or Die."

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent and so I don't get fired.